Clacker Works Github

By: Fernan Bolando

Selected projects ...

Atari 1064 An implementation of an Atari 1064 Ram expansion for 600xl

VOCAP ported to plan9 Plan9 port of the FORTRAN program VOACAP.

Clacker Works BBS
atari login c64 login

Experimental Multi-User BBS with the following features:

  1. Address: 9000 or 9000
  2. Lines of Code:
  3. Multi-User currently limited to 5 login
  4. ATASCII (Atari)
  5. PETSCII (C64)
  6. Outgoing Call to other BBS
  7. IRC chat interface
  8. Usenet Access (provided by
  9. Local Messaging
  10. Local Chat
  11. Amateur Radio Tools

RP2040 Breakout Board Just a quick layout work to make a breakout board for the RP2040. Ordered using the JLCPCB.

Multi-SourceRaspberry pi Power board A quick PI-Hat so I can supply a raspberry pi with any voltage above 5V. Ordered using the JLCPCB.

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